Hybrid Sound Design 3 Serum Presets Cover Art


Harga normal $59.99 Harga penjualan$24.99
Termasuk pajak.
Ketahui tingkat produksi musik bass selanjutnya dengan HYBRID SOUND DESIGN VOL. 3, koleksi powerhouse dirancang untuk meningkatkan jejak Anda menuju ketinggian baru. Didukung oleh suara mutakhir perangkap hybrid modern, dubstep tearout, dan riddim.
Jelajahi 100 kerajinan langsung Xfer Serum drop presets dan 350 premium. Sampel WAV:
• Preset Serum Drop 100 Xfer
• 350. Sampel WAV
Sintetis Bass serbaguna
Pertumbuhan kompleks, tembakan Bass
Bass penahan Screechy
Hit Bass kotor
Subs tebal, 808s
• 1 berkas Ableton Live Project
Trek demo Youtube/Soundcloud. Dicampur dan penguasa secara profesional, -4 LUFS.
10 rak Ableton 11 satu kenop
12. Perangkat Songstarter MIDI
46. File MIDI
Persyaratan paket Preset:
DAW apa pun
Serum Xfer 1.341 ( Atau lebih tinggi)
Persyaratan File proyek:
Ableton Live 11.0.2 (Atau lebih tinggi)
Xfer OTT (gratis)
Cincin kHs Mod
KHs pembentuk transkripsi (opsional)
* Vokal tidak termasuk, Anda bisa menemukannya. Simpul wav di sini Splice.com (,,
Ubah suara Anda dan membuka potensi perangkap hybrid, tutup dubstep, dan riddim dengan desain suara HYBRID VOL. 3


Samples and presets can be used in any DAW. For Serum and Phase Plant 2 presets, all you need is the Xfer Serum or Phase Plant 2 synth plug-in. Project files can be used with Ableton Live or FL Studio, depending on your purchase.

Simply navigate to Serum’s menu in the top-right, and select Show Serum Presets Folder. Drag and drop our presets (.fxp files) into the Serum presets folder that opened via Serum. Check out our blog post for more info

To reveal the preset browser, click on the Browse button next to the Phase Plant 2 logo. Choose User, and you will find the folder path on the right side of the icon.

Drag and drop our presets (.phaseplant files) into the User presets folder we opened via Phase Plant 2.

You will receive a download link instantly after payment is made. Also, you will receive an email with a download link.

Yes, all our products are 100% royalty-free, see the End User License Agreement in your pack for more information.

Get in touch with us at contact@edmtemplates.net or team@edmtemplates.net